I have not forgotten about this site! In fact, it's in the back of my mind a lot and it bums me out that I haven't been able to give it the time it deserves as of late. I've been working on my graphic skills during the downtime I have been able to come across and, hopefully, I'll be able to post examples of those skills in the near future. In the meantime, I've also been trying to research new arenas for learning and studying. I was heavily researching new classes to advance upon what I have learned back in the earlier part of the Fall, but for a variety of reasons, my schedule didn't allow for it. Also, the entire process of trying to find an online/accredited school or course and also dealing with pushy (or sometimes not very good) recruiters can get really tedious.
That said, I want to get my studies going on a regular basis again. I have a short amount of time in the first part of 2023 where I might be able to really give it focus. But then, I'll need to start planning to move again -- We don't know where yet, but hopefully we get some news in the next month or two.
Hi, I’m Laura and welcome to my website! As you can see, I am nowhere near being complete, or even have much to show. But I wanted to start putting something together that, at least, reflects my progress and also the progress I will continue to make.
I’m working of a few different projects and thinking of other prospective ones to add in the near future. I’m juggling this site with ongoing learning and a full-time job, so I’m not going to be one of those stories you’ll see on the testimonial pages of coding bootcamp sites where you’ll see people that talk about how they landed their dream jobs in six months. I started learning this stuff Summer of last year so....yeah...not happening.
Anyway, I’m working to put together a somewhat (hopefully) great site and continue this journey. Thanks for stopping by!